
Mohamed Kani N

MBA in Finance and Operations
Data Scientist Aspirant


A Display of the Machine Learning Models developed as part of my Data Scientist Learning Journey.
Click on the Title of the project to view the complete code, analysis, model and findings.

Data Science Skill Set

Programming languages : Python, R
Libraries : Python - Sklearn, seaborn, numpy, pandas. R - ggplot2, caTools

Algorithms & Statistics : K Means Clustering, KNN, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Cosine similarity, Pairwise Distances, CountVector(BOW), Tf-Idf

Data Science Solutions developed for : Clustering, Classification, Forecastig, Text Classification, Text Similarity Score, Image Similarity, Chat Bot, Voice To Text Bot Assistant, OCR, Social Media Analytics kind of problem statements

Work Experience

Organisation : City Union Bank ltd.
Period : One Year (September 2017 - October 2018)
Role : Senior Associate In Sales and Operations of a Branch